Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Temple Trip - Canning

Ever wonder what you look like with a hair net? We'll I don't have to wonder anymore. Neil and I went to the temple in Columbia, South Carolina and then went to the cannery. Safety rules or sanitation rules require everyone to wear a hair net! Neil and I couldn't look at each other without laughing! Don't worry, I didn't over work or lift anything heavy!

I caught Neil off guard in his fabulous hair accessory. He threw his away before I could get a picture of us together.

Here is a picture of us outside of the temple. The temperature was dropping. It was windy and cold!

Here is one of Neil's..."Let me take a picture of your growing belly". If you haven't noticed...I don't like pictures that are taken of me by myself. I don't mind pictures of me with someone...just not by myself! I'm trying to do better though. Here I'm 23 1/2 weeks. I need to keep the weeks on here so I can go back and write it when I eventually get the pictures developed.

Neil and I are getting very excited about the HOLIDAYS! We love getting to spend time with our families and enjoy our holiday traditions! Plus, we get a whole week off together for Thanksgiving! We are starting on Tuesday with a few days in Willacoochee and then off to Brunswick for a few days!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

22 1/2 Weeks

Neil took this picture this past weekend. I am 23 weeks now! Only 17 left to go! The striped shirt kind of hides my bulging belly, but you can tell that I'm pregnant. I'll post more pictures when we are with other people, so Neil can be in the pictures too! With all the holidays coming there will be plenty of pictures!

Side Note: A little girl in my class came up to me and gave me this weird look today. She said, "I want a hug, but I don't want to hurt the baby". I give lots of hugs to my students all the time (especially her), so it surprised me that she was concerned about the baby. I explained to her that she didn't have to worry about hurting the baby and she could hug me anytime she wanted. She proceeded to tell me that my belly is getting bigger and if I keep getting bigger she might not be able to hug me (kids are so honest). If she thinks I'm big now, just wait a few more months! Anyways, I thought it was cute that she was worried about the baby.