Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Cutie!

Just wanted to share some pictures!

Addison getting ready for school one morning. Isn't she adorable?

This is a good friend of mine...Gracie. I taught Gracie 3 years ago. She taught me more than I could have ever taught her. We go celebrate our birthdays every summer. We let Addison go along this time. Gracie wants Addison to be older to play with her :) We went back to Gracie's house to play and Addison fell right back into Gracie's lap. She was tired...I hope they'll always be friends. We sure love our Gracie!

First Day of "School"

This is my cheesy monkey with her bear on her first day of "school". We call it school because it's at the daycare where I work. It took about a week for her to get settled in and now she loves it! She runs down the hallway to see her teachers and friends. She turns to me and says, "bye,bye mama". I chase her down for some kisses and off she goes.

Btw...I'm only a month late on this post!