Sunday, August 17, 2008

10 Week Ultrasound

Neil and I went to the doctor last Thursday for our 10 week appointment. We were scheduled for an ultrasound. I wasn't sure how the baby would look because on the last ultrasound, it was a cute little blob. So, I didn't want to get to excited but here's what we saw.

This is the baby's profile. You can't see the legs or feet in these pictures and I was a little nervous, but my sister and sister-in-law saw them when the baby kicked on DVD that we showed off, so don't worry!
This is a view from the backside of the baby.
This is the front view. The lady pointed to the eye sockets and nose. This was the most "alien like" picture.
Our baby is already photogenic! The heartbeat was very strong at 167 beats (anywhere between 120 and 180 is fine). The baby was jumping all around the whole time. We were surprised how well the pictures turned out because it wouldn't be still. On our chart the doctor noted where the technician wrote, "Very Active Fetus". I was very proud, but hope he/she calms down when their born! We our scheduled to find out the gender of the baby around Oct. 9! Just for the record Neil and I don't care, we just want a healthy baby!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Do they look old enough to you?

My nephew Ryan and my niece Katelyn are about to go to pre-k! It feels like just the other day I was holding them in the hospital right after they were born! Didn't we just finish potty training? Now two of my most favorite people in the whole wide world are going to school! Before I know it, they'll be driving! I can't wait to talk to them about their first day. Happy School Days, my sweethearts!