Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life With A Newborn

Life has CHANGED! Reality has not set in for me at all. Our days are spent sleeping, eating, and rocking! We have now had Addison for 2 weeks and 3 days and everyday she brings so much joy and happiness into our lives! I have to admit that the first couple of days were a little rough, but now we are getting use to each other and Neil and I are learning how to be parents! We went to the doctor and she has gained back her birth weight and a 7 pound 1 ounce baby! She started with getting her nights and days mixed up, but we are getting better. I on the other hand, had an allergic reaction to the hospital tape and have been battling a skin rash for the past two weeks. I expected to be sleep deprived from taking care of Addison, not sleep deprived from itching all night! We finally got new medicine and the itchies are going away! This has been the best blessing.

As for Addison, she loves to be held. She either wants to eat or sleep...not much for hanging out yet. She enjoys her bouncy seat...which has been our life saver!!! I recommend a bouncy seat for everyone and anyone who is having a baby! She has a pouty face (like me), monkey face, and hiccups just like her Grammie (3 in a row). Her hair is turning a little more red everyday (just like Neil's dad). She has already out grown her newborn sleepers because she is quite long or tall. She lost her umblical cord last night! Our little girl is already growing up too fast!

This is our big girl laying in the boppy!

Addison's favorite spot!
Daddy and Addison

Looking cute

Right before bath time or "sponge" time. I think she'll like bath time better when the bathtub is actually involved!

We must be the luckiest people in the world. We have a beautiful, healthy, and loving little girl. Having a baby has been the hardest thing that I have ever done, but by far the most rewarding!!! I look forward to spending everyday with Neil and Addison!


gigi said...

So glad the rach is finally going away for ya.
She is a cutie, can't wait to meet her.

Celeste said...

Thanks for the update! We're so excited to see you guys soon! Call if you need ANYTHING :) We're just a "short" drive away.