Our little girl is quite the celebrity. She was bombarded by all her fans :) I separated the pictures and will upload Round 2 soon. She was born Thursday morning and was welcomed right away by Grammie. Soon Aunt Melisa, Uncle Jason, Ryan, and Kyla were there to meet her. They didn't get to hold her because they had to leave for a business/vacation trip. Addison will be ready for some Aunt Melisa time when she gets back! Our nephew, Ryan was very cute. He was ready to take a picture of baby Addison!

Soon Granny Wilkerson was ready to hold her new granddaughter. It was love at first sight, just like Neil and I thought when we saw her!

Papa Pittman couldn't wait to see his new granddaughter. He now has four little granddaughters that are the center of his attention! His two grandsons and him are starting to be out numbered by all the girls!

This is Ms. Anderson. Anderson and I work together along with Ms. Melvin. We all car pool together. They have been anxiously awaiting to meet Miss Addison! We also had visitors from Nicole, who I work with and several people from our church family...Lacey, Ginny, Janice, Stephanie and her daughter Gracie. Neil's teacher came to see her along with a friend from class. I tried to take a picture of everyone who came to visit, but the pain pills, hormones, and sleep deprivation took over at times!

Uncle Jonathan (Uncle JaJa), Aunt Celeste, and cousin Elena brought Papa with them to visit. Elena was not impressed with Addison because her mom was holding her and that didn't seem right. However, she became very curious of the burrito in her daddy's arms. Uncle Neil caught her curosity. We can't wait for them to get older, so Elena and Addison can play together!

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