This past weekend, Neil and I went to Brunswick to visit my family. Friday night we stayed with mom and dad and then went with them to see my sister that lives in Jacksonville. This is a picture of us with my sister's kids, Ryan and Kyla. Ryan is not real excited about me having a baby. He doesn't like to talk about it, but we did ask him about names and he has decided that he's going to call our baby Pickle.

While we were in Jacksonville, we went to a new/used childrens' store called Once Upon A Child. We were going just to "look". We saw a husband and wife unloading a crib. My dad (who will talk to anyone) and Neil asked the couple about the crib. They were going to sell it to the store for whatever they could get. My dad began to tell them about me expecting and how we were looking for a crib. My mom and I were in the store browsing around when a lady came up to me and said, I met your dad and if you want our crib, you can have it. I was quite shocked and wondered what my dad had got me into. When I went outside I saw a beautiful crib. The sweet lady explained that she paid about $499 for this crib and it was in great condition, but apologized for the few dents. The lady refused to take any money and simply said, "I hope this blesses your life" and gave me a hug. After Neil and my dad loaded up the crib and we started on our way home, we realized we didn't even get their names. To those wonderful people, who were so nice to give us a crib...Thank You! Here is a picture of the crib. Right now it's upstairs above my parents' garage until we need it!

Neil and I don't ever get pictures of us together, so we took advantage of having someone to take pictures for us. In the picture above, I told Neil to quit poking out his belly. After he reassured me that he wasn't sticking out his belly, he thought this picture would be funny for our scrapbook!
17 weeks
Was really good to see you Sunday and that tiny bump is too cute! Glad you got a crib for pickle :)
I didnt even see you...?? Wow, I guess the kids really had me occupied! Your Expecting...congrats!
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