Here are the pictures from our ultrasound at 18 weeks. We were not scheduled to find out the gender until another 2 weeks, but our doctor surprised us and took us into the ultrasound room. As you know, we are having a GIRL. As of right now, we are naming her Addison Kaylene Wilkerson. She is named after three of my favorite women. My mom's name is Kaye and my sister's middle name is Kaye as well, and my grandmother's name was Marlene. We combined the two names to get Kaylene. My grandmother passed away from cancer when I was 10 years old. She battled with cancer for 2 years and never gave up. I couldn't think of another person who I would want my little girl to look up to, then her great grandmother. I can't wait to tell Addison about her. I didn't leave Neil out, if it was a boy we were going to name the baby Eli after his great grandfather and great-great grandfather.

Addison was very active throughout the whole ultrasound. She was moving all around. The technician pushed on my belly to make her uncross her legs, then she got mad and moved around a lot more! The picture above is her head down and her body curved to the side.
This is her getting ready to kick her legs out straight!
This is my favorite. As you can tell this is her little foot.

This one is hilarious to us. She has her legs stretched all the way over her head. She is quite flexible!!!

This is the next shot from the picture above where she kicked her feet out. If you look close her hand is resting on her forehead. She seems to like to keep her hands above her head.
These pictures make me want to hold her, but the tech reminded us that she weighs about 9 ounces and is about 9 inches long. We want her to grow a lot more! Everyone continues to ask if I have felt any movement, but no not yet. Mayble in a few weeks!
Beautiful! We're so excited for you. Elena's looking forward to a new baby girl cousin.
Congratulations! Girls are wonderful =). How could you NOT have a girl when you live on Princess Lane?! She'll fit in perfectly. Keep posting pictures of your pregnant tummy, I love it!
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