Saturday, November 13, 2010


Okay, so my mom was able to do it , my grandma could do it, tons of you do it, but I can't!!! I just can't keep up with the house work! My confession...we got a housekeeper and I love her!!! No, we didn't win the lottery (especially since we don't play) or inherit any money. I just insisted that I couldn't be superwoman and do it all (which is hard for me to admit)! I can handle the dishes and daily clean-up, but the deep down cleaning...nope! Our housekeeper comes every other week for 2 hours. She cleans the bathrooms, sweeps and mops the floors, and can usually fit in one other little thing (like dusting, wiping the baseboards, wiping down the cabinets, etc.). I look forward to every other Thursday when she comes! I can't wait to get home and smell a fresh, clean house.

Now to justify...I work full-time, stay very busy with a demanding church calling, keep up with an almost 2 year old who loves to help me clean (which takes 10 times longer), requires at least 6 hours of sleep to function the next day, cheers on a stressed out, extremely busy PA student husband 24/7, who also has a very demanding church calling! I also mow the grass and the neighbor's (that's another story) to keep the above PA student from having to do that. My Saturdays were being spent grocery shopping, cutting the grass, cleaning, and usually running at least 3 errands, I didn't have any down time. I also felt like when we went out of town to visit our families that I would have to make up the cleaning during the week nights and that took away Addison and I time, which wasn't an option!!!

I can clean during holiday breaks and summers (advantages to being a teacher), but I must admit that the thought of having to do it again makes me grumpy! I might change my mind!

*Also, a huge thanks to my sweet husband who let me get a housekeeper! For a guy, he helps with the house work a lot (especially the dishes). For that, I thank my mother-in-law for teaching him so well!

So, I'm not superwoman, but I'm learning that that's okay (and I don't have to clean the toilet)!


Celeste said...

You go girl! Good for you for making time with your family your number one priority.

Jennifer Sharpe said...

Good for you! I think you deserve the help. I know how hard it is to have a husband in school, I can't imagine how hard it would be if I were working too!

Mary Mitchell said...

I love it!! It's hard enough to keep up with the housework when I DON'T have a job ... it's never ending! Isn't it so much easier to relax in a clean house? Hope you enjoy your clean house!!