Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dancer ???

Last weekend, we went to a (little) friend of our's dance recital. I was VERY nervous about taking Addison. Neil and I even talked about getting a babysitter, but we forgot until last minute and so off we went! I could already see it...chasing Addison down the aisles or spending the whole time in the lobby. I underestimated my little girl by far. She sat on my lap for an hour and fifteen minutes staring, giggling, laughing, and clapping at all the girls dancing! I was so impressed! We went in the lobby to let her run around for ten minutes. Then we went back for the last hour and she slept through the rest of the show. I told Neil...I think we might have a future dancer...we'll see!

By the way....Great Job Rileigh! We loved watching you dance your little heart out!

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