Friday, March 26, 2010

Can A Mom Get A Break?

It started at the beginning of November when Addison started running fever. A few days later, Neil started running a fever. I missed 2 days of work to take care of them. In December, I came down with strep throat. I had a allergic reaction to the penicillin and missed a grand total of 4 days of work. Then Neil and I have shared a cold, congestion, and cough back and forth for the past 3 months! Addison was treated for RSV at the beginning of March (just in time for her 1st birthday). I missed another 2 days of work. Neil was sick last weekend with a fever and cold. I broke down and cried last weekend because I was tired of everyone being sick! Neil started feeling better this week (minus a persistent cough). However, yesterday the daycare came to my classroom carrying my sweet little girl who looked pitiful! Yes, she was running a fever. I wasn't feeling well myself and so the two of us went home to spend the day together and we took the day off today too because she still wasn't "fever free". I have a cough and congestion, which makes nothing taste good. Addison just wants to be held and of course tylenol is a necessity!

I have been thinking to myself...why can't we stay well??? I came up with a list:
-I work in a profession where I am surrounded by 18 germ infested (yet adorable) children
-Neil stays extremely busy with PA school
-Addison goes to daycare with 8 other germ infested (yet cutie patootie) children
-The 1 inch layer of pollen might contribute
-The weather is warm one day and freezing the next
-We are trying to pack to move into our new house
-The CRCT (state mandated test) is coming in 1 one weak for my above 18 students
-I'm going 80 mph hoping my body will keep up!

I have to mention the things I do to try to keep healthy:
-Of course I take medicine when I'm sick...I even take a multi-vitamin everyday!
-I wash my hands constantly
-I refuse to touch and/or use any student's pencil (I must use my own)
-I keep Addison home when sick (and not infect everyone else) I try to stay away from others who are sick
-I drink lots of water
-I get around 7 hours of sleep most nights
-I exercise by keeping up with Addison

I just don't get it. So, I'm very interested in finding 3 air tight bubbles to put Neil, Addison, and myself in. Back to my question, Can This Mom Get a Break?

PS. No pictures for this would be scary!

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Aw! Flu season stinks! You're doing a great job, mama. It'll pass :) (You can see how some moms become germ-a-phobs!)