Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Around Thanksgiving I always think of the many things that I have to be thankful for...this year I have a lot to add to my list. I am always thankful for the usual...my wonderful husband, my family (including all of Neil's), especially our neices and nephews, the Gospel, my job, my students, our cars, our duplex (even though it causes me much frustration at times), my health, and many more. This year I add the most important *Addison* and all the joy and happiness that she has brought into our lives. We also got a call this morning that offered a spot for Neil to start Physician Assistant School in January in Savannah! I'm adding this to the list this year. We have spent countless hours, days and months praying, hoping and crying that this was the path we are suppossed to take. We were JUST making plans for PLAN B, when I think the Lord said NO to plan B and allowed us this great opportunity to go with our original plan. I feel blessed and relieved to know that Lord hears our little family's prayers. We are excited...infact, my mind won't stop spinning thinking of what needs to be done. We have to get Addison into day care, find a new job in Savannah for me for the next school year, find a place to live, begin the financial aid process again, etc. I was just getting comfortable with Plan B! I'm so proud of Neil and can't wait for this new adventure!!! More details to come when we get off cloud 9! Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!!


Celeste said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! that's so exciting!!!

Farnsworths said...

We are so excited for you Neil!

Jennifer Sharpe said...

I am so happy for you guys! What awesome news! I know Neil will do great, and it will be so much fun in Savannah. Happy Thanksgiving!