Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life With A Newborn

Life has CHANGED! Reality has not set in for me at all. Our days are spent sleeping, eating, and rocking! We have now had Addison for 2 weeks and 3 days and everyday she brings so much joy and happiness into our lives! I have to admit that the first couple of days were a little rough, but now we are getting use to each other and Neil and I are learning how to be parents! We went to the doctor and she has gained back her birth weight and a 7 pound 1 ounce baby! She started with getting her nights and days mixed up, but we are getting better. I on the other hand, had an allergic reaction to the hospital tape and have been battling a skin rash for the past two weeks. I expected to be sleep deprived from taking care of Addison, not sleep deprived from itching all night! We finally got new medicine and the itchies are going away! This has been the best blessing.

As for Addison, she loves to be held. She either wants to eat or sleep...not much for hanging out yet. She enjoys her bouncy seat...which has been our life saver!!! I recommend a bouncy seat for everyone and anyone who is having a baby! She has a pouty face (like me), monkey face, and hiccups just like her Grammie (3 in a row). Her hair is turning a little more red everyday (just like Neil's dad). She has already out grown her newborn sleepers because she is quite long or tall. She lost her umblical cord last night! Our little girl is already growing up too fast!

This is our big girl laying in the boppy!

Addison's favorite spot!
Daddy and Addison

Looking cute

Right before bath time or "sponge" time. I think she'll like bath time better when the bathtub is actually involved!

We must be the luckiest people in the world. We have a beautiful, healthy, and loving little girl. Having a baby has been the hardest thing that I have ever done, but by far the most rewarding!!! I look forward to spending everyday with Neil and Addison!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Visitors - Round 3

I accidently left the picture of Aunt Marie and Addison out of the post from early. So, here it is!

This is Aunt Renee and cousin Logan came for a visit on Sunday. Logan was excited to see Addison. He held her like a baby doll.

Aunt Karen, Uncle Corey, and cousins Katelyn and Corey also came Sunday to visit baby Addison. Katelyn and Corey get so excited over babies! They are adding another baby to their family in July! They got some practice in.
Little Corey gave Addison some hugs and kisses in this picture. He has no problem showing baby Addison all his love and affection!
Addison has jaundice and we thought she might need a little sunshine. Katelyn and Corey walked her down the road in her stroller to help her. Don't worry...Aunt Karen was right behind! Thanks Katelyn and Corey!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Visitors - Round 2

On Saturday, Addison had a lot of visitors. Uncle Ricki, Aunt Ame, Aunt Leah, and cousins Payton, Kaylen, and Emma came to visit at the hospital. Unfortunately, Addison was tired, hungry and Mommy was in pain, but we made it!

Uncle Ricki and Addison

Emma and Addison

Kaylen and Addison

Payton and Addison

Aunt Ame and Addison

Aunt Leah and Addison

Daddy Gene got to meet his granddaughter too! Addison loves Papa Gene!

Uncle Michael, Aunt Marie, and Brandon came to visit at the house right after we got home! Aunt Marie held Addison while she slept!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Visitors - Round 1

Our little girl is quite the celebrity. She was bombarded by all her fans :) I separated the pictures and will upload Round 2 soon. She was born Thursday morning and was welcomed right away by Grammie. Soon Aunt Melisa, Uncle Jason, Ryan, and Kyla were there to meet her. They didn't get to hold her because they had to leave for a business/vacation trip. Addison will be ready for some Aunt Melisa time when she gets back! Our nephew, Ryan was very cute. He was ready to take a picture of baby Addison!

Soon Granny Wilkerson was ready to hold her new granddaughter. It was love at first sight, just like Neil and I thought when we saw her!

Papa Pittman couldn't wait to see his new granddaughter. He now has four little granddaughters that are the center of his attention! His two grandsons and him are starting to be out numbered by all the girls!

This is Ms. Anderson. Anderson and I work together along with Ms. Melvin. We all car pool together. They have been anxiously awaiting to meet Miss Addison! We also had visitors from Nicole, who I work with and several people from our church family...Lacey, Ginny, Janice, Stephanie and her daughter Gracie. Neil's teacher came to see her along with a friend from class. I tried to take a picture of everyone who came to visit, but the pain pills, hormones, and sleep deprivation took over at times!

Uncle Jonathan (Uncle JaJa), Aunt Celeste, and cousin Elena brought Papa with them to visit. Elena was not impressed with Addison because her mom was holding her and that didn't seem right. However, she became very curious of the burrito in her daddy's arms. Uncle Neil caught her curosity. We can't wait for them to get older, so Elena and Addison can play together!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Daughter...Addison Kaylene Wilkerson

Addison Kaylene Wilkerson
March 5, 2009
8:56 am
6 pounds 12 ounces
Daddy and Addison right after birth
Looking cute in Grammie's arms

Addison getting ready to come home!

More pictures and details coming soon!