Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009...Hello 2010

Addison (Christmas)


Neil's Graduation

Addison (a couple weeks old)

We had an exciting 2009! We started off the year celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. Our niece, Elena, turned 1 in January! We had a couple of wonderful baby showers. In March, we had Addison. We've enjoyed all her "firsts" so far. Kaylen (our niece) was baptised in April. Neil graduated from Georgia Southern in May. I graduated with my masters in June. In July we had a new nephew, Cameron. We also bought a new car and sold the ol' pathfinder (my first car that I paid for). In August I went back to work starting my fourth year of teaching. In November Neil was accepted into physician assistant school. We had a fabulous Thanksgiving and Christmas with our little girl and both families!

A look into 2010....Neil starts PA school (and commuting). Addison starts daycare where I work. We are looking for a house! Addison will turn 1 (March 5th). We will have a niece (name-not yet decided) in May! All of Addison's new adventures...walking, talking, etc. In February, I start paying back student loans :( I have a whole summer off to spend with Addison!

We have had lots of ups and downs this past year. I try to focus on all the ups and learn from the downs. We can't help but be excited about 2010!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Today we are off to start our holidays! I love Christmas time and I'm very excited about spending this Christmas with our Addison. We have been crazy busy getting ready for Neil to go to PA school in January. Here arre just a few pictures of our sweet little girl! We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's in a name?

I was thrown off the other day when my boss turned around and said, "Good morning, Kimberly". You're probably wondering why this threw me off??? Well, I noticed that I'm not use to being called by my first name anymore! At work...I'm Mrs. Wilkerson and I hear it on average a million times a day! At work when talking with co-workers...we lose the Mrs. and just call each other by our last names, so I'm Wilkerson (like we all play on a football team or something). At home...I'm honey or usually Neil and I don't have to address each other because it's understood that when we talk it's to each other. At church...I'm Sister Wilkerson or most recently Addison's mom. Talking with mom...I'm Squashbottom and she's Pookey (that was a name she came up with after I told her I wanted to call her Pookey. Talking with my sister...plain and simple I'm Sis. Nieces and nephews...I'm Aunt Kimmy on my side and Aunt Kimberly on Neil's side (I love being an "Aunt" - it's one of my favorite "names") and it's close to plain old Kimberly. To Addison...I'm mamamamamamama (my favorite) I'm sure I will be even more exciting when she directs it specifically to me and not every toy, her daddy, and/or the stranger in the store.

Do I get tired of being Mrs. Wilkerson, Wilkerson, Honey, You, Addison's mom, Squashbottom, Aunt Kimmy, Aunt Kimberly, Sis, or mamama? Not at all. Just got thrown off with just Kimberly! Random thought...I know!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Around Thanksgiving I always think of the many things that I have to be thankful for...this year I have a lot to add to my list. I am always thankful for the wonderful husband, my family (including all of Neil's), especially our neices and nephews, the Gospel, my job, my students, our cars, our duplex (even though it causes me much frustration at times), my health, and many more. This year I add the most important *Addison* and all the joy and happiness that she has brought into our lives. We also got a call this morning that offered a spot for Neil to start Physician Assistant School in January in Savannah! I'm adding this to the list this year. We have spent countless hours, days and months praying, hoping and crying that this was the path we are suppossed to take. We were JUST making plans for PLAN B, when I think the Lord said NO to plan B and allowed us this great opportunity to go with our original plan. I feel blessed and relieved to know that Lord hears our little family's prayers. We are excited...infact, my mind won't stop spinning thinking of what needs to be done. We have to get Addison into day care, find a new job in Savannah for me for the next school year, find a place to live, begin the financial aid process again, etc. I was just getting comfortable with Plan B! I'm so proud of Neil and can't wait for this new adventure!!! More details to come when we get off cloud 9! Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting Ready for Halloween and Overalls

I wanted Addison to be a ladybug for Halloween, but I couldn't find a costume in her size. So, we settled on a bumble-bee! Look at our adorable bumble-bee!!! These pictures are for Granny and Grammie...hope you enjoy!

A lady in our ward got these overalls for Addison. I tried them on her and they just looked too cute on her!

We are going to the pumpkin patch later to pick out a pumpkin. On Wednesday night, we have the Trunk-or-Treat at church. There will be plenty of more pictures coming!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Need A Smile?

We went to the Wilkerson Family Reunion a couple of weeks ago and Neil snapped this shot. It shows how blue Addison's eyes are. I never get tired of looking at these pictures. They always make me smile: )
Aunt Leah (Neil's sister) and Uncle Cliff came to visit for the day last Monday. We loved having them come and visit!!! Aunt Leah loves to take pictures and I love her camera. Addison enjoyed being the center of attention. These are my favorites!

Family Time

I'm only a month and a half behind! My nephew, Cameron, was blessed at the beginning of September. We had a wonderful weekend spending time together with our family. Addison got some major play time with her cousins. I haven't posted any pictures lately because we got a new computer and I have been putting off loading the camera software on here. I finally loaded it the other day and we're off...
Addison being cute!

My parents with all of their grandchildren. 7 all together and 1 more on the way! If you look closely, Addison was getting Ryan's hair. I love this picture...I can't believe how fast these kids grow! I love them to pieces!
My precious little girl!

Our little family!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Picture Time

All of these photos were taken at the Olan Mills Studio here in town. Addison loves people taking her picture! She's quite a "ham"! I can't wait until the pictures come in! There are some more that I didn't post that actually has a real smile, but I like the funny faces!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


We have been extremely busy around our house! We had a wonderful summer and have recently settled into the busy routine of the fall. Over the summer, we bought a new car (2008 Hyundai Sonota) and sold the old pathfinder (it was slowly dying). Through this process we paid off the Sentra!!! We also got a new laptop, which is the main reason I haven't uploaded any pictures yet because you have to upload all of the software again! We bought a new couch and a recliner. You might ask where did we get the money?...everything was a great DEAL and we made some money off of the pathfinder.

Over the summer, I finished my masters in elementary reading and literacy! It took me 18 months and finally I am DONE. I won't be going back to school until at least Addison goes to school! We are looking forward to the extra pay coming at the end of the month! I also went back to work again! I love teaching and I am enjoying team teaching this year in second grade. I have a wonderful partner that is one of my best friends! I have 39 kids in all and enjoy them very much! Even though I love my job, it has been extremely difficult leaving Addison all day. I thought labor and delivery was tough, but it was nothing in comparison to leaving her for 9 to 10 hours a day! I am now getting use to the routine and let's just say that I LOVE the weekends and Mondays should be banished from our vocabulary! I know that this is what I am supposed to do right now. I tell Addison all the time that I'm her mommy, but I have 39 school children that I have to be a school mommy to. Neil is staying home with Addison until he gets accepted into PA school. They have enjoyed spending quality father/daughter time together! Neil had an interveiw two weeks ago for school and was placed on the hold list. We are anxiously awaiting to hear how things will turn out. In the meantime, he is applying to grad school at GSU as a back up plan. Our goal is PA school, however, we are putting all our faith and trust in the Lord's hands knowing that He will help guide us to wherever we are supposed to go and do!

As for Addison, she is a 6 1/2 months old and is on the move (not crawling...but rolling, twisting, and turning everywhere)! We have started "real" baby food and she does not like fruits, but loves sweet potatoes. She is spoiled to pieces! She is a very smiley and happy baby. She loves to get attention, however, if you take her away from Mama or Daddy she gets a little fussy! Were working on that! She just started talking...well sort of...she can say bye-bye. She loves her exersaucer, bumbo, and jungle gym. She hates riding in the carseat and lets us hear about it! Everyday she amazes me at how fast she is growing and what new things she can do. Although our lives are up in the air right now and times can get stressful...our Addison always makes us smile!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's a ....

BOY!!! Our nephew, Cameron Matthew Pittman was born at 10:12 AM this morning! He weighs 8 pounds 10 ounces. We can't wait to meet him. We love him already!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sleepy Baby

I love to watch Addison sleep. She makes all these really cute faces. Here are some recent pictures of her snoozing!!!

Problem is...if you hold her and watch her sleep for too long. It can rub off on you!

Monday, June 1, 2009


We went to Savannah this past weekend and got a "gently used" BUMBO for Addison. She loves it! We cleaned the house and sat her in her seat. She watched us clean up around her. She also has started to talk (more like coo) to her toys. She has a Dora doll that she smiled at in the store the other day and her daddy went the next day and bought it for her! She alreay has him wrapped around her finger! I love watching her learn new things.
Look at that concentration!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Graduate

You made it! Neil graduated two weekends ago from Georgia Southern. Now we're on to applying to PA school and then two more years of school! We're so proud of you!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Addison's Blessing and Easter

Addison was blessed yesterday. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate Easter than by bringing our two families together and celebrating the life and ministry of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the new addition to our family...Addison Kaylene. It was a fun filled day with lots of family!!! Hope you enjoy all the pictures!

She was trying to tell me that she was finished with all this picture taking stuff.
The Wilkerson and Pittman Families all together.

The main men in Addison's life...Uncles Cliff, Michael, Ricki, Papa Gene, Neil, Papa Pittman, Uncles Corey and Jonathan. This is one of my favorite pictures!

This was an especially important picture to me. This is Neil, Addison, and I with both sets of parents or grandparents. I always wanted a picture with all of my grandparents, but never had one. Now Addison will have one.

Our little girl

The Pittman Family (minus my sister, her husband, and two kids who could not be with us)

Neil and I with some of our favorite people...all our nieces and nephews (we're missing two)
The Wilkerson Family (minus Uncle James)

We had a picnic for lunch with our families and some close friends and an Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids. We had a blast and Addison slept through most of the day!

This was by far the best Easter ever! We woke up to celebrate the Easter bunny coming, which brought Addison a bunny and some pacifiers. Then we went to church and were able to spend the day with our families. Having Addison in my life helps me to take the time to appreciate all the small things. I thank my Father in heaven everyday for all the many blessings that He has given me, especially for my family and for the relationship that I have with my Savior.