Monday, September 28, 2009
Picture Time
All of these photos were taken at the Olan Mills Studio here in town. Addison loves people taking her picture! She's quite a "ham"! I can't wait until the pictures come in! There are some more that I didn't post that actually has a real smile, but I like the funny faces!

Sunday, September 20, 2009
We have been extremely busy around our house! We had a wonderful summer and have recently settled into the busy routine of the fall. Over the summer, we bought a new car (2008 Hyundai Sonota) and sold the old pathfinder (it was slowly dying). Through this process we paid off the Sentra!!! We also got a new laptop, which is the main reason I haven't uploaded any pictures yet because you have to upload all of the software again! We bought a new couch and a recliner. You might ask where did we get the money?...everything was a great DEAL and we made some money off of the pathfinder.
Over the summer, I finished my masters in elementary reading and literacy! It took me 18 months and finally I am DONE. I won't be going back to school until at least Addison goes to school! We are looking forward to the extra pay coming at the end of the month! I also went back to work again! I love teaching and I am enjoying team teaching this year in second grade. I have a wonderful partner that is one of my best friends! I have 39 kids in all and enjoy them very much! Even though I love my job, it has been extremely difficult leaving Addison all day. I thought labor and delivery was tough, but it was nothing in comparison to leaving her for 9 to 10 hours a day! I am now getting use to the routine and let's just say that I LOVE the weekends and Mondays should be banished from our vocabulary! I know that this is what I am supposed to do right now. I tell Addison all the time that I'm her mommy, but I have 39 school children that I have to be a school mommy to. Neil is staying home with Addison until he gets accepted into PA school. They have enjoyed spending quality father/daughter time together! Neil had an interveiw two weeks ago for school and was placed on the hold list. We are anxiously awaiting to hear how things will turn out. In the meantime, he is applying to grad school at GSU as a back up plan. Our goal is PA school, however, we are putting all our faith and trust in the Lord's hands knowing that He will help guide us to wherever we are supposed to go and do!
As for Addison, she is a 6 1/2 months old and is on the move (not crawling...but rolling, twisting, and turning everywhere)! We have started "real" baby food and she does not like fruits, but loves sweet potatoes. She is spoiled to pieces! She is a very smiley and happy baby. She loves to get attention, however, if you take her away from Mama or Daddy she gets a little fussy! Were working on that! She just started talking...well sort of...she can say bye-bye. She loves her exersaucer, bumbo, and jungle gym. She hates riding in the carseat and lets us hear about it! Everyday she amazes me at how fast she is growing and what new things she can do. Although our lives are up in the air right now and times can get stressful...our Addison always makes us smile!
Over the summer, I finished my masters in elementary reading and literacy! It took me 18 months and finally I am DONE. I won't be going back to school until at least Addison goes to school! We are looking forward to the extra pay coming at the end of the month! I also went back to work again! I love teaching and I am enjoying team teaching this year in second grade. I have a wonderful partner that is one of my best friends! I have 39 kids in all and enjoy them very much! Even though I love my job, it has been extremely difficult leaving Addison all day. I thought labor and delivery was tough, but it was nothing in comparison to leaving her for 9 to 10 hours a day! I am now getting use to the routine and let's just say that I LOVE the weekends and Mondays should be banished from our vocabulary! I know that this is what I am supposed to do right now. I tell Addison all the time that I'm her mommy, but I have 39 school children that I have to be a school mommy to. Neil is staying home with Addison until he gets accepted into PA school. They have enjoyed spending quality father/daughter time together! Neil had an interveiw two weeks ago for school and was placed on the hold list. We are anxiously awaiting to hear how things will turn out. In the meantime, he is applying to grad school at GSU as a back up plan. Our goal is PA school, however, we are putting all our faith and trust in the Lord's hands knowing that He will help guide us to wherever we are supposed to go and do!
As for Addison, she is a 6 1/2 months old and is on the move (not crawling...but rolling, twisting, and turning everywhere)! We have started "real" baby food and she does not like fruits, but loves sweet potatoes. She is spoiled to pieces! She is a very smiley and happy baby. She loves to get attention, however, if you take her away from Mama or Daddy she gets a little fussy! Were working on that! She just started talking...well sort of...she can say bye-bye. She loves her exersaucer, bumbo, and jungle gym. She hates riding in the carseat and lets us hear about it! Everyday she amazes me at how fast she is growing and what new things she can do. Although our lives are up in the air right now and times can get stressful...our Addison always makes us smile!
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