I am very excited and a bit apprehensive to say that I am over morning sickness!!! I don't want to say that to loud because I'm only 8 weeks, but I can't help but to celebrate! Here are a few stories and tips I picked up on with morning sickness:
-Every commercial seems to be about food that looks wonderful, however, the thought of eating it makes you run to the bathroom.
-Morning sickness is such a funny name...for me it needed to be evening sickness, which was just in time for Neil to come home and enjoy my most miserable time and trying to explain to him that I felt descent for some of the day.
-I picked Neil up some pizza one night to try to be a good wife and make up for not caring about what he ate...so he wasn't home yet and the pizza smelled so good. I figured a few bites wouldn't hurt. I sure did enjoy those four little bites. It was almost worth throwing it up a minute later!
-I love to tell everyone about being pregnant! I tell anyone who will listen!
-I LOVE ultrasounds!!!
-My mom took me to the Motherhood store a couple of days ago and insisted that I get some clothes for when I wake up and can't fit in to anything! My mom got a kick out of me trying on maternity clothes!
-A huge thanks to applesauce, grilled cheese sandwiches, pop-ice, chicken noodle soup, peppermint, and cheese puffs!
-I went up to my classroom to get things ready for school and I was able to catch up with my wonderful colleagues. They are extremely excited for me and already rubbing my stomach that shows no sign of being pregnant, something I decided I'm going to have to get use to!!!
-I have a new respect for pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness. I had a friend call today and tell me she was pregnant and so sick. I was excited for her, but my heart went out to her because now I really know what it feels like. She cried, I cried and tomorrow after work, I'm going to take her little girl to the park and to get some dinner so her mommy can hopeful get some rest! My new goal is to try to be more sympathetic and service minded to all pregnant women. I wish my sister wasn't finished having children...I could relate so much better now. She has truly been my life saver and has listened to me cry and then cried with me!
I go back to work tomorrow! I'm really a kid at heart and I get so excited about a NEW school year. I miss the teachers I work with and of course my students! So, here's to a new and exciting year, full of fun and excitement everyday!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
We've Got A Heartbeat!
Neil and I went to my doctor's appointment for an ultrasound. I was so excited to see what the baby sort of looks like. Well, I was a bit disappointed to find out that I am not as far along as I thought. I'm only measuring 6 weeks and three days. However, the best part was getting to hear our babies' little heartbeat!!! It amazes me that such a small baby (.5 cm) can cause a person to have so much emotion already! I couldn't help but cry, it was the best sound ever! The nurse wrote Hi Mom on our ultrasound picture and it didn't register that she was talking about me until Neil nudged me. I wonder when the reality of being a mom will hit me??? For now, the pictures from the ultrasound and hearing that heartbeat has made morning (evening) sickness a bit more bearable. As soon as I can get to a scanner, I'll post some pictures!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Joah (Neil's best friend) and Lydia's Wedding
I did get to go to the reception. It was beautiful!
Morning Sickness
I am now 6 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy and thought that I was going to be one of those lucky people who wouldn't experience morning sickness. Besides being a little tired and emotional, I have felt GREAT. I was even feeling a bit guilty about feeling so great when everyone shared their horror stories about morning sickness. However, last night as I was deciding what to eat, nothing seemed to sound good. After much looking, Neil gave me a suggestion and we ate. After dinner, I felt yucky. I have no better word to describe it than yucky. I told myself it was just a tummy ache and went to bed crying. This morning I woke up with the same yucky feeling and it has stayed with me all day long. Thank goodness I'm a teacher and am off for the summer. I have exactly 3 weeks to get this under control and go back to work! All I have done today is eat small portions of anything that sounds somewhat desirable, wrote a post for my masters class, and just took a shower at 7:30 pm. The best part of my day...Neil came home an hour early, looked at the pile of unfolded laundry, dirty dishes in the sink, our unmade bed, pregnancy books scattered across the floor, me still in my pjs, and he said "I love you" and gave me a hug!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Neil and I are extremely excited to announce that we are having a BABY! We went to the doctor on my birthday, July 1 and found out that I am five and a half weeks pregnant! We are due on February 27, 2009! Watch for more updates!
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