My family went to Orlando, Florida during my spring break. We had so much fun together! Neil didn't get to go because he had work and school. If he was there along with my brother, his wife, and my new niece it would have been PERFECT. However, it was a nice treat to get to spend time with my nieces and nephews! This picture of Katelyn, Corey, Ryan, and Kyla was taken on Minnie's couch. Look at the matching shirts...my mom thinks of everything and is just too cute!
I love this picture of us! We saw Mickey's 3-D show. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to get us stylin' in our 3-D glasses! Kyla wasn't so sure about the glasses though.
Taking four little ones to Disney World was quite hilarious. My sister and I put the four kids in the back of the van and we rode to Orlando with three little ones (Kyla just says Dadadada and Mamama) discussing what Mickey Mouse was doing at that very moment.
This is dad, mom, and Kyla riding the ferry boat getting ready for a fun filled day of Disney World.
If you notice we are getting a little later in the day. Everyone got a little sleepy and hot. We were waiting in line for one of the many rides we rode.
We saw Minnie Mouse at the spectro-magic parade. Besides going to Disney World, we also ate at the Rainforest Cafe, went to the temple, did some shopping and swimming, and laughed a lot. I'll try to post some more pictures of the trip soon. Dad said we are going to make family trips a yearly thing, so watch out world...The Pittman Family will be on vacation in another year!